Local and global social issues, climate change, politics, and spirituality are of utmost importance to me. Am I expressing this in my artwork? Sometimes.

Vote Blue! Go Beto for Texas Governer! And can we talk about how cruel Texas has become under the far-right wing Republican rule? It’s embarrassing to be a Texan right now in light of current events.

See? Activism and public opinion matter. My hero, Jon. Well, one of them.

Lament for Ukraine. I keep hearing Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders singing, “My City Was Gone”. I think Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the Hero of our time. I should make a drawing of him.

This is one of the pages I made for Junk Journal July 2022 online challenge.

Women’s Rights. Pro-Choice. Where the hell has “separation of church and state” gone? Why is the religious far-right imposing their will on us? We know why. I could say more and am sure I will.

I have fallen in love with nature this year. Even if it’s in my imagination, like these paintings in my art journals.

I will leave you with these latest creations of mine above, and will publish another short picture-post soon.

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